Fulfill The Dream Of Financial Independence
The dream of being financially independent comes with hard work and dedication, but if you don’t have the right avenue and opportunity to apply yourself, that dream will likely never come true. We are here to provide you with a financial business opportunity, to operate your own financial services business.
Have you ever wondered why so many professionals in the finance industry are financially well off? You will be a part of a trillion dollar industry where the service you provide, capital, is always in demand. You would be shocked to hear the statistics regarding the difficulties small business owners are experiencing trying to access capital for their businesses. You can learn more about why banks are denying business owners capital and why the alternative lending industry is growing rapidly to accommodate theses commercial financing requests.
____ YES! I'm interested in training to offer to refer Loans, Real Estate and Business for sale to GMAF - Count me in for training provided to GMAF Registered Brokers in my State listed below.
____ Yes! I will pay $50.00 to register, create and grow my business through GMAF referring leads for a commision.
Mail To:
Dr. Andre Todd
GMAF Corporation
FREE SUPPORT (510) 836-1067
7901 Oakport Street #2450, Oakland, CA 94621
Hiring Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Name ____________________________________________
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ALL Registrations must include Payment by CHECK, M0NEY ORDER OR CHARGE to:
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Copyright 2016- GMAF - http://www.gmafinance.com.
SUPPORT +510-836-1067
7901 Oakport Street #2450, Oakland, CA 94621
Hiring: Monday thru Friday 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Free Support +5108361067
Copyright © Dr.Andre Todd. All rights reserved