Private Military
Guiding Principles
We demonstrate the highest degree of integrity in every aspect of what we do. We are committed to instilling professional and ethical behavior in all our employees, teammates and associates.
We take responsibility for our performance legally and ethically. We have a diverse Board of Directors that provides oversight and guidance to best serve our customers.
We set the bar for the best-in-class operational excellence. We empower our people to deliver customer-focused solutions with the highest levels of professionalism and commitment to excellence.
We honor the rights and beliefs of our fellow associates, our customers, our employees and the communities in which we operate. We treat others with dignity and respect.
We promote and support a diverse, yet unified team. While respecting the individuality of our people, we work together as a team to meet our customers' goals. We deploy willingly worldwide to the most remote and dangerous regions, leveraging our unique skill set in support of our customers' missions.
GMAF combines the capabilities and experience of OGA, Blackwater, ACADEMI and provides complementary security, mission support, and training for services jobs. For more information:
____ YES! I'm interested in being hire or job training
____ Yes! I will pay $50.00 to register and learn how to pay off debt.
Mail To:
Dr. Andre Todd
GMAF Corporation
FREE SUPPORT (510) 836-1067
7901 Oakport Street #2450, Oakland, CA 94621
Hiring Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Name ____________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
Cty/St/Zip ________________________________________
ALL Registrations must include Payment by CHECK, M0NEY ORDER OR CHARGE to:
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Credit Card # ___________________________________________________
Exp Date ________________________________ Security Code ___________
Signature _____________________________________________________
Copyright 2016- GMAF -
Free Support +5108361067
SUPPORT +510-836-1067
7901 Oakport Street #2450, Oakland, CA 94621
Hiring: Monday thru Friday 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Copyright © Dr.Andre Todd. All rights reserved