Our One Of A Kind Finance Program Let’s You Start Your Very Own Finance Business with us.
The Money You Can Earn and You Have The Opportunity To Make An Unlimited Income.
A money back guarantee for 1 year at the cost of $5,000.00 with leads provided.
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GMAF Corporation
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The issue of how much money you can earn as a commercial finance broker is probably the most frequent concern we have to address, and we understand why. First you must know that this business takes hard work and dedication to make a good income.
This is NOT a get rich quick program and making money does not happen overnight with very little effort like some other loan broker training companies promote. Although one can make significant money in the commercial finance industry with our lenders, the chances are you will not retire by the beach after six months of attending our training.
These graduates landed a deal that paid a commission to cover their training investment within 30 days of graduation.
Paid Off Their Investment Within 30 Days
This power team of past graduates were presented with a $1.25 million dollar commercial real estate deal immediately after class. They utilized the GMAF support center and were able to close the deal and acquire a strong commission within 30 days of graduation.
This opportunity allowed for the graduates to obtain back the cost for the commercial lending training program and kick-start their new commercial finance business to open the doors to multiple financing requests.
Multiple Ways To Earn Commissions
Our business does present significant advantages over other businesses and franchise concepts, but, like any business you still have to work hard at being successful. We operate and teach based on real principles and realistic goals rather than hype and unrealistic goals. We realize that in any business opportunity, you want to make sure that you’re investing in the best possible situation for your money. That is why we thought it was important to show you various real life situations taken from deals that our trainers have done, graduates from our program have completed, or our lenders have closed. All examples below were funded with the same lenders you will be approved with. It is not hard to see from the examples below how you can diversify your business with multiple ways to earn commission when running your own commercial finance business.
This graduate made close to $500,000 and has only been doing this for 9 months.
Half A Million Dollars In Under 9 Months
This past graduate took his knowledge from our business loan broker training and his new business opportunity and ran with it. Within 9 months of starting his entrepreneurial opportunity, he was able to close multiple deals and generate a half a million dollars for his new commercial lending business.
With a lot of hard work and dedication, the income possibilities for this lucrative business opportunity is unlimited.
Every Business Needs Capital
One thing that you can be sure of is that every business needs capital – especially in these economic times. There is no need for cold calling individuals to get business. Businesses and real estate investors are looking for people like our graduates to help them obtain capital. Your presence will be welcomed by businesses of all kinds. The majority of businesses only know of what their local bank has to offer (which is not much). This is why the business financing services that you will provide will be viewed as priceless to any business owner.
This graduate made an $18,000 commission within months of graduating the commercial finance course and starting up his business.
Overwhelmed With The Success
This past graduate was able to quickly convert a commercial finance request right out of class by assisting a business owner with a commercial real estate refinance and by also providing the business owner with some working capital. The $270,000 transaction came with a healthy commission of around $18,000, that this graduate was able to invest back into the business and continue to grow. To date, this graduate is overwhelmed with the amount of success that his investment in our commercial loan broker training course has delivered to him and his business.
There are three ways to make money on any given transaction you do.
A lender pays you: Our lenders typically pay a yield or commission for bringing them a deal that closes. This could be a one-time fee, or an ongoing monthly commission (what the industry calls residual income). In most cases the borrower does not know you are making this commission as it is not disclosed form the lender.
You charge your client: You will learn how to earn a one-time fee based on the total loan amount that you approve for them. The client either pays you directly or the negotiated fee that your client agreed to pay you gets paid out of proceeds by a lender at closing.
A combination of 1 and 2: There are many instances where you can charge your client directly with a fee agreement that we give you and also receive a commission from the lender. In most cases the commission from the lender is not disclosed to the client. These are very lucrative transactions because you can profit from the lender and the client.
Our Unique Income Approach
With over 40 finance products that you will be able to offer, it is impossible to do (ALL 40) at once when you first start after leaving our finance training class. You will learn that with every lender’s product and program you will be able to make money, but you have to narrow down your focus and concentrate on a few programs to start out with. The philosophy that we teach and recommend to our graduates after training is to pick up to three products that fit into the below categories to start out with and concentrate on. By doing this you will have a well-balanced income stream.
A cash flowing product: We strongly suggest a product that “pays the bills” which we call a cash flowing product. These are products which have a quick turn around and closing time. We have many programs and lenders that offer such products. These same products usually require less hand holding with the client and you can do multiple deals per month.
A product that yields residual income: There are several products that our lenders offer which allows you to earn residual income. This means getting paid a constant commission every month for the life of an account that you set up. This is important to your model because building a steady residual income can carry your business on for years and years.
A product that earns large commissions of six figures or more: We have several products which are more complicated and take longer to structure and close but when they do close, it means very large commissions for the broker or consultant. Typically such income could be in the six figure range with some lenders. Products such as Commercial Real Estate Financing, Project Financing, Contract Finance, and many others typically command such commissions.
Additionally, a combination of these factors can fuel your financing business. Here are real life examples taken from past transactions that our trainers, past graduates, or lenders have done. All examples below were done with the lenders that you will be approved with. For illustrative purposes we will use the term “Broker” to refer to the role our graduates would play after attending our commercial finance training.
Accounts Receivable Financing
This is a perfect example of a broker not only earning a fee but earning an ongoing monthly commission.
Example: A five year old linen company was experiencing a growth setback while trying to expand their company. They had a problem that most companies face where they could not grow because it was taking too long for them to receive payment on invoices or receivables for services that they had completed. They were waiting up to 90 days to receive payments. With their outstanding receivables totaling over $2,000,000 this really set them back on expanding their business. Their current bank did not offer this type of financing, so they had nowhere to go. A broker came in and provided them a one-stop solution where they could sell their receivables and get cash in 24 hours or less. Now the company did not have to wait any longer to get paid and expanded their operations.Amount of loan: $2,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% of transaction ($20,000) and then lender pays the broker 15% of the fees collected by lender. Total monthly fees lender collects are $60,000 a month so broker gets $9,000 a month for the life of the account.
Total time to close: 1 week
Learn more about Accounts Receivable Financing
Asset Based Lines of Credit
This is a great example of how a graduate marketed this product to bankers.
Example: A recent graduate of our program marketed this product to several bankers in his local area. With traditional banks calling lines of credit or “terming” lines out, he thought this could serve as an alternative way for a company to keep a line of credit. Turned out, he was right. A local banker in his area called our graduate because the bank had recently given a long standing 20-year-old business 6 months to take out the $3,000,000 line of credit that they had with the bank. The banker had no choice but to do this as this was his bank’s initiative, so in order to potentially save the depository relationship with business, he called our graduate. The business had great receivables and inventory valued at more than $3.5 million dollars, so they were in a great position for what our graduate had to offer them. Our graduate’s lender came in and offered a 3-year, $3,000,000 credit facility at an interest rate of Prime plus 2 and took out the line that the bank had. The business was saved, the banker was very pleased, and the graduate made a pretty good payday.
Amount of the Facility set up: $3,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% of transaction ($30,000) and then lender paid the graduate 10% of the fees collected by lender on a monthly basis. Total fees are $2,500 a month that the graduate will earn for a period of 3 years.
Total time to close: 45 Days
Learn more about Asset Based Lines of Credit
Bridge and Hard Money Loans
This area of finance is literally booming and fortunes are being made since the current economic slowdown.
Example: A highly experienced developer in New Jersey wanted to acquire a waterfront commercial office building. Despite his near-perfect credit, several banks had declined him for a conventional loan (thanks to the economic meltdown of 2008). Through word of mouth, the client heard of a company that could finance his project. When the deal was presented to the broker she immediately knew that she could get him approved. By leveraging the developer’s other assets and his excellent track record, she was able to provide him financing for his acquisition. The lender saw great value in the property and was comfortable with other collateral that the developer had offered. The developer paid a higher interest rate, but was not concerned since he was able to get the loan approved and funded in a quick time-frame. This deal was approved in 5 days.Amount of loan: $10,140,000
*Commission earned by broker: 2% ($202,800)
Total time to close: 5 days
Learn more about Bridge and Hard Money Loans
Business Acquisition Financing
Example: Three partners in Chicago decided to buy a local sign manufacturing company. The owners were retiring and did not feel like running the successful operation anymore. All partners had experience in that industry, and thought the sale price of the business was a great buy. The business’s broker agent who listed the business for sale recommended they contact a broker who had provided business acquisition financing for many of his clients. The broker was able to get them financing for as little as 10% down, plus additional working capital when they took over the business operation. The broker obtained an approval in less than 2 weeks.
Amount of loan: $665,000
*Commission earned by broker: 4% ($26,600)
Total time to close: 14 days
Learn more about Business Acquisition Financing
Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans (B&I)
Example: With the recent credit crunch, many banks and financial lending institutions have implemented a policy to only lend to MSA’s or populations of cities that are considered metro areas. This leaves rural businesses with a tough time obtaining financing. This was the case with an Oregon-based agricultural business that sold produce to many statewide grocery chains. They needed a loan to expand their facility since demand and production was up and they needed accommodate this demand by making more production space. The business owner was unsuccessful with the bank that had a branch in his area as the business’s geographical location was not large enough for the bank to lend in on a $6,000,000 loan request. So the owner of company was referred by a local chamber of commerce friend to a broker that could possibly help him. The broker had lending sources that specialized in B&I loans that served as a perfect fit for the business owner’s funding scenario. The broker was able to properly structure and submit the loan request to a national lender that specializes in lending in rural areas with funding to take place about 2 months after loan submission.
Amount of loan: $6,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% ($60,000)
Total time to close: 2 months
Learn more about Business and Industry Guaranteed Loans (B&I)
Church Real Estate Financing
One of our graduates decided to concentrate on this product and is very, very successful.
Example: A pastor from a local church in Mobile, AL, was denied for a construction loan that he needed to build the church’s new facility next door to them. The church owned the lot next to them and instead of rehabbing their old structure, which was starting to have problems, they wanted to build new. Their bank denied them because they told the pastor that they were not lending to non-profit organizations anymore. So the pastor answered an ad that our graduate developed over the internet and reached out to him. As it turns out, the graduate offered him a non-recourse loan with an interest rate of 5.5%. He was also able to offer him a construction to permanent loan and combine the two to save the pastor the trouble of finding a permanent lender.
Amount of loan: $4,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 3% ($120,000)
Total time to close: 65 Days
Learn more about Church Real Estate Financing
CMBS Commercial Real Estate Loans
These loans offer quick closing times and attractive rates and terms as outlines in the scenario below.
Example: Borrower had a Holiday Inn Express hotel which he purchased in 2009 when there were not a lot of lenders financing hotels. The bank who financed the acquisition of the property issued an interest rate of 9% with a 3 year fixed term amortized out to 25 years. The borrower had no choice at that time to take these terms due to numerous banks pulling back from financing hotels due to an over saturated market. Just this past year the borrower was under pressure to find a new lender to refinance this debt due to the balloon that was coming due. The borrower found a broker who was advertising in a local business journal who was advertising a CMBS product. Long story short: The broker was able to bring the borrower to a direct CMBS loan provider who was able to structure the $5 Million dollar deal with a 5% interest rate 5 year fixed term with a 30 year amortization schedule. The CMBS lender also allowed the borrower to cash out for an extra $500,000. In the end the borrower increased his cash flow by 15% with the reduction in interest rate and now had a more stabilized non-recourse loan.
Amount of loan: $5,500,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% of transaction or $55,000
Total time to close: 50 days from signed term sheet
Learn more about CMBS Commercial Real Estate Loans
Commercial Real Estate Development Financing
These projects typically take longer to close, but when they do the commission one can earn is truly rewarding.
Example: A well known developer in the New Jersey area had everything in place to start construction on a high traffic, 22-tenant retail shopping center anchored by a well known national electronics chain. Everything seemed ready to go until his bank decided not to move forward with their proposal to finance the $27,000,000 project (including the construction phase). Even though the bank had a long relationship with the developer, they decided (like most banks these days) to cancel all projects that are in the development phase because they did not want to take on anymore risk than necessary. The developer was in a bad, unexpected situation with nowhere to go. The developer’s CPA knew a broker that had a special program for developers. In short time, the broker was able to prequalify the developer based on his liquidity and strong leases with his tenants, and ultimately save the project by providing the necessary capital. The best thing was that the broker provided more flexible terms for the developer not only in the construction phase but also through the first 5 income producing years of the loan.
Amount of capital provided: $27,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% of transaction or $270,000
Total time to close: 4 months
Learn more about Commercial Real Estate Development Financing
Commercial Real-Estate Financing
Here is a great example of what’s going on right now with local banks across the country and how this past graduate is using the tools and sources we gave him to his benefit.
A recent graduate had a client that owned a retail strip mall in which the current mortgage on it was coming due by the client’s local bank. Despite the strong cash flow and owner’s strong net worth, the client’s local bank indicated that it did not want to renew the loan due to the bank’s initiative to reduce their commercial real-estate portfolio size in the next couple of years.
So the client, to say the least, had to find a lender that would refinance his loan. Not only did our graduate offer a much lower rate (6%), but since the client had about $2,000,000 worth of equity in the property, the graduate was able to offer him some additional capital to renovate and update the current property.
This was achieved through a higher LTV that one of our lenders offered. Actually, our graduate received another deal from this client regarding another investment property that he wanted our graduate to finance since he did such a great job with this deal.
Learn more about Commercial Real-Estate Financing
Consumer Financing Programs
This is another example of a financial product that yields terrific residual income.
Example: A broker solicited a business that sold security systems to local home owners. The average price for such a system was $5,000. In meeting with the business owner, the broker learned that they already had a finance company to finance his customers but only the ones with a 700 credit score or better. Needless to say, the security company loved the idea that the brokers could set them up with a lender that could finance all their other customers that don’t qualify with their current finance company. To make things even better the business can now offer instant credit approvals in minutes rather than waiting a half a day with their current finance company. The security company saw their sales go up 38% due to approving and financing more customers through this program. The broker gets 1% of each security system that is sold using the finance company that he arranged for the business.
Amount of loan: $5,000 per security systems sold.
*Commission earned by broker: 1% of each item sold. (So the broker gets $50.00 with every system sold and financed. They sell about 10 systems a month using the broker’s finance company which yields him $500 a month. That is just with one vendor. He now has several in a 100 mile radius under this program.
Total time to close: 1 week to set up business with lender.
Learn more about Consumer Financing Programs
Contract Financing
The record commission on this product is $311,593 on a single deal with the average being approximately $100,000 per deal. This is a great niche area to focus on and yields a great commission.
Example: A broker got a referral from an investment banker that had a small company in their portfolio that was in talks with an investment grade company to secure a 5 year, 8 million dollar contract. The small company was to provide and install phones along with an integrated PBX system to the investment grade company, which in this case was a large nationwide bank with over 3000 branches. The small company was nervous about fulfilling the contract due to the company being under capitalized. Plus the company had previously been turned down by two banks because of a decline in revenue in the past two years most likely due to the economic turn down. So this broker had a great opportunity to provide this business with the contract financing product. The end result was the small company was able to secure the contract with the bank and provide their service and product. Instead of getting payments every month from the bank our lender was able to monetize the contract and give the small company 4 million dollars immediately in order to fulfill the contract. The broker who facilitated this transaction made out pretty well too.
Amount of loan: $4,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: $80,000
Total time to close: 3 months
Learn more about Contract Financing
Corporate Mergers and Acquisition Financing
Example: In a nutshell, a graduate was referred by local CPA who was working for a large telecommunications company that was seeking to take over another telecommunications firm by doing a Horizontal merger. One of our lenders specializes in this arena and is good at creating synergy with mergers. Through our lender, the graduate was able to facilitate the merger between the two companies buy offering a debt solution and also reduce overall costs to the bottom line because of the successful merger. This was achieved by staff reductions and some other highlights to the merger was that the company that merged acquired innovative technology from the other company, and increased marketing territory by 3 states since customer base has now expanded.
Amount of loan: $45,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% ($450,000)
Total time to close: 5 months
Learn more about Corporate Mergers and Acquisition Financing
Distressed Note Acquisitions
Example: A local bank in Arizona had a $7,000,000, 45-unit multifamily building that was going into foreclosure due to the fact that the current owner was going into bankruptcy and had fallen behind in maintenance and renting the subject property. The current note on the property was for $6,000,000, and rather than auctioning off the property, which would yield a lower return for the bank, they had an investor who was interested in acquiring the property but who needed financing. The banker that had the account happened to have a relationship with one of our graduates and turned to him for assistance in financing the acquisition. Between our graduate, the banker, and our lender, the bank was willing to discount the mortgage note about 30%. So the graduate was able to finance the acquisition for the investor and our lender was in a great LTV position with the 30% discount that the bank gave. The bank was delighted as well as they got this loan off their books and saved quite a bit of money with this option rather than auctioning it off.
Amount of loan: $4,900,000
*Commission earned by broker: $65,500.00
Total time to close: 2 weeks
Learn more about Distressed Note Acquisitions
Equipment Leasing
It is important to note that you can earn money really two ways when doing equipment leasing. We will teach you how to target equipment vendors for ongoing income or individual business owners that need equipment. The below example illustrates a real life vendor scenario.
Example: A heavy equipment dealer is having a tough time with his local bank approving his customers because the bank is tightening their credit standards. A broker recently marketed his ability to finance many different types of credits which immediately piqued interest with the dealer. The broker set up a customized financing program to service the dealer’s customers. Now the dealer sends the broker about 75% of their total business.Average deals per month broker receives: 6 deals per month.
*Average commission broker earns on each transaction: $5,000
Total monthly revenue: $30,000
Learn more about Equipment Leasing
Energy & Commodity Finance
There are not many specialized lenders that do this type of financing, but you will have access to one of the best.
Example: An early stage gas-and-exploration company hit a road block because they could not obtain financing to keep their operation going and growing. Previous banks that they went to had passed on financing them due to the age of the company. They found a broker that had a program tailored to their industry. The broker was able to leverage their existing oil reserves and properties to obtain the capital they needed. The key to this deal was the broker knew a lender that catered to and understood their industry. Now the company is in their 12th year of operation thanks to the broker.
Amount of loan: $5,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% ($50,000)
Total time to close: 3 weeks
Learn more about Energy & Commodity Finance
Equity Financing
Example: A two-year-old company which specializes in water treatment systems needs funding to continue to test their prototype system in real life environments. Their technology is a treatment that can produce clean, potable water at significantly lower cost than current desalination methods. The result is a reduction in the economics of seawater desalination that will ultimately bring the cost of producing water from the vast oceans below the cost of conventional surface water. Because so much of the first round of capital they obtained was used in research and development, they did not have the ability to show a historical profit. What they did have was a proven technology that needs a little improvement in order to make their product available to industry. Our graduate, who has a close relationship with the owners of the company, procured capital from one of our equity lenders. The lender was experienced in the water treatment industry, which was a key to get them interested in funding this deal. The lender injected about $1,800,000 into the company in exchange for a 32% stake in the company. The capital was used to further test and finalize their water treatment company’s process, and now they are finally distributing their product to municipalities across the world.
Amount of loan: $1,800,000
*Commission earned by broker: 2% ($36,000)
Total time to close: 65 days
Learn more about Equity Financing
Franchise Financing
Here is a great example of a broker who financed a client and got a lifetime of business.
Example: An experienced auto mechanic had always dreamed of owning his own auto repair franchise. There was a great need for his business in the local town, and he eventually inquired with the franchise concept to open up a shop in his local area. Before you know it, he had paid his franchise fee and was ready to open up his franchise. The only hiccup was that none of his banks were interested in financing the franchise because it was the client’s first time opening such a business.
He found a broker’s advertisement for franchise financing over the internet and gave the broker a call. The broker was able to arrange financing for the client through a specialized franchise lender using the client’s experience as a plus. Not only was the client thrilled about his store getting financed, but so was the franchise concept. Now that broker gets 90% referral business from applicants that need financing for stores all over the country. Currently the broker does not have to advertise as much with the constant flow of business that the franchise concept brings to him.Amount of loan: $220,000
*Commission earned by broker: 3% ($6,600) Currently gets 3 deals a month from the franchise concept.
Total time to close: 3 weeks.
Learn more about Franchise Financing
Inventory Financing
Example: Here is a typical example taken from one of our graduates which highlights the need for this type of financing. A 15-year-old electronic wholesale goods business located in NJ always had a cash shortage before they shipped their warehouse full of goods and at the same time needed capital to start their next production cycle. This operational capital constraint posed a constant strain on their business operations. Our graduate had just refinanced the company’s mortgage on their warehouse and through that process our graduate learned of the business’s working capital problem. Our graduate realized that inventory financing was the perfect scenario to meet his client’s needs since so much of their assets are tied up in their inventory. Now the client can leverage their inventory to bridge the gap between production cycles. This is another great example of how our graduate was able to cross sell products and satisfy two of his client’s capital needs from the business model that was learned from our training.
Amount of loan: $10,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% ($10,000) Plus earned Residual Income for the e life of the account. ($800.00 a month)
Total time to close: 1 month
Learn more about Inventory Financing
Joint Venture Capital
These days, there are more and more clients who have projects that are turning to JV financing to get their project funded.
Example: Rather than have their project fail, a local marina developer in Florida turned to a fellow graduate of our program to see if she can help him procure financing on his Miami marina project. He was approved by a hedge fund that offered terms to fund the project, but at the last minute the fund backed out leaving the client hopeless and back to square one in trying to find financing. When he came into contact with our graduate via a local chamber of commerce, the graduate seemed to think she had a lender that would pick up where the hedge fund left off. As it turns out, one of our investors loved the project and had been very experienced in funding marinas before. The client entered into a joint venture agreement with the investor who put up the funds to complete the $10,000,000 project. The client had good experience in building marinas which the investor loved. The attractiveness of this deal was the speed at which our investor acted in the due diligence process. It was less than 60 days.
Amount of loan: $10,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1.5% ($150,000)
Total time to close: 65 days
Learn more about Joint Venture Capital
Large Project Financing
This is an example where the broker earned more money than most people earn in one year.
Example: A land developer in Florida had undeveloped oceanfront property valued at $15,000,000 which he owned, free and clear. He had plans to construct a hotel and restaurant on the property, but due to recent foreclosures in Florida, no banks were lending on construction projects in that area. He needed approximately $10,000,000 to start and complete his project. A broker heard about the client’s struggle through a local banker and got in touch with the developer. Through a private investment lender, the broker structured the deal where the lender used the ocean front land as additional security and the lender proceeded to fund the construction loan. We should also mention that the developer used the same broker for two other transactions!Amount of loan: $10,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% ($100,000)
Total time to close: 2 months
Learn more about Project Financing
Medical Loans
This is another great niche to profit from.
Example: A dentist in California just started his Dental practice a few years ago. He needed a working capital loan for about $75,000 to update his office and hire an additional dental assistant. Through a targeted marketing campaign, the dentist took notice of a broker that was offering a national working capital program for medical professionals. The broker was able to finance the dentist with ease, and the dentist was impressed that it only took 48 hours for an approval. Pleased with his experience, the client went on to tell other dentists and colleagues in the area about the broker’s program. Now the broker has 3 full time staff to handle the volume of medical business that he receives.Amount of loan: $75,000
*Commission earned by broker: 8% ($6000)
Total time to close: 5 days
Learn more about Medical Financing
Medical Receivables Financing
Example: A Houston, Texas regional MRI center wanted to pay off some debt on older MRI machines they had loans on. They had three machines in which the total payoff amount was $750,000. The owners of the MRI business repeatedly tried to get a loan from some of their local banks and one national bank, but all of them refused due to the age of the equipment. They turned to a broker whose ad they noticed on the internet which indicated they could provide loans to the medical industry against a company’s receivables. After analyzing the MRI center’s financials the broker discovered they had about $2,000,000 in receivables that they could collateralize. They were able to advance the MRI center the $750,000 to pay off their debt in 2 weeks from application.
Amount of loan: $750,000
*Commission earned by broker: 2% ($15,000) / and then lender pays the broker 10% of the fees collected by lender. Total fees are $5000 a month collected so broker gets $500 a month for the life of the account.
Total time to close: 14 days
Learn more about Medical Receivables Financing
Merchant Cash Advance
Most businesses don’t even know that this type of financing exists.
Example: The owner of a popular steak house in Buffalo, NY applied for a loan at his current bank where his deposits are held to pay off some personal and business debt. The client’s credit score was not the greatest, so his bank declined the loan. Fortunately, his banker new of a broker that could help him. The broker got the referral and discovered that he could provide the client a $135,000 loan using the future credit card sales that his restaurant would generate. The owner was ecstatic and got his money in less than 48 hours.Amount of loan: $135,000
*Commission earned by broker: 5% one time fee ($6,750) plus an on-going monthly commission from lender. ($300 per month for the life of the account)
Total time to close: 5 days
Learn more about Merchant Cash Advance
Mezzanine Financing
Example: A recent broker had received a referral from a banker that he had approached months before on a client that the bank had. This was a very experienced real estate investor that had a 500-unit multifamily building that the bank had a note in first lien position for $6.7 million. The property was worth $15 million confirmed by a recent appraisal. The building was somewhat outdated, so each unit needed significant upgrades as well as the general cosmetics of the building. The estimated cost to do this was around $4,000,000 dollars. The bank where the owner had his mortgage could not offer him a line of credit or any other financial product for the project. Nor did they have Mezzanine product to offer him. So through the broker that the banker introduced the client to, the client was able to secure a mezzanine loan through a private real estate finance company which took a second position behind the bank. The client was able to complete his renovation plan and because of that increase his cash flow by 35% due to the property commanding higher rents.
Amount of loan: $4,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1.5% or $60,000
Total time to close: 45 days
Learn more about Mezzanine Financing
Mobilization Financing
Example: A security company received an all too familiar call these days from their bank stating that they are freezing their credit line because it was the bank’s initiative that they are beginning to exit that product from their offering. To top things off, the security company must provide security for 15 manufacturing facilities around the United States for 2 weeks prior to a strike vote by unionized workers. The cost of moving 150 security guards to 10 different locations is approximately $300,000, including airfare, rental cars, hotels and cash for food purchases while they are in the field. The security company cannot issue an invoice until all the guards have spent 1 week providing security services at each location. Thus, a full week of salary ($300,000) together with mobilization ($300,000) is required prior to sending out an invoice. There is no security for a lender or a factor. Our lender provided mobilization finance and advanced the $600,000 in cash required to move, feed, and pay the personnel. The lender then purchased the invoice the day it is generated to get cash back to the security company so that it can keep cash flow momentum and expand or enter into new projects.
Amount of loan: $600,000
*Commission earned by broker: $24,000
Total time to close: 7 days
Learn more about Mobilization Financing
Purchase Order Financing
Example:A small start-up company was located in New York City. They sold electronic parts to a large manufacturer. The parts were in high demand and difficult to find. The company had a unique relationship with its supplier which allowed it to obtain the parts, but the company had to react fast. The company had been in business less than four months with little sales history. However, the principals had significant experience in the industry, had a $3.2 million order in hand from a credit-worthy customer, and had sourced the parts from a large supplier.
Our lender overcame the start-up nature of the company and focused on the underlying transaction at hand. In less than one week, our lender was able to underwrite a $1.95 million financing package that secured payment directly to the supplier, as well as put a factor in place to purchase the resulting invoice once goods were shipped. Our lender’s financing allowed the company to realize the sort of profits experienced companies dream of.
Amount of loan: $3,200,000
*Commission earned by broker: 1% ($32,000)
Total time to close: 14 days
Learn more about Purchase Order Financing
Sale-Leaseback Financing
Some of your lenders will pay you up to 15% commissions for this type of financing.
Example: A client owns a trucking company and has several back taxes that are due from two years ago. The back taxes owed total to the amount of $75,000. Because the client owes these taxes, his credit score suffered, resulting in a credit score of a 550. He has been to five banks to get a loan where each of them have quickly declined him because of this credit score. A broker provided the client a solution by using his equity in his fleet of trucks to get the cash that the client needed to pay off his taxes. His credit score was not even a concern.Amount of loan: $75,000
*Commission earned by broker: $11,250
Total time to close: 3 days
Learn more about Sale-Leaseback Financing
SBA Lending
You will have some of the quickest lenders in the industry to process SBA loans.
Example: A restaurant owner in Michigan wanted to open a second location for his Mexican inspired cuisine. There happened to be a broker advertising SBA loans in the local paper. The owner of the restaurant inquired about the broker’s services and found out how fast he could process his application. The owner proceeded to supply the broker with the necessary details of his business. The broker was able to not only finance his second location, but also provide additional working capital to his operation through the same loan.Amount of loan: $550,000
*Commission earned by broker: 2% ($11,000)
Total time to close: 1 month
Learn more about SBA Financing
Structured Settlement and Annuity Financing
Example: A broker was refinancing some debt of his client’s business when he noticed that the client has two annuities including one structured settlement and a cell tower that was on his property that he was leasing to a major telecommunications provider. He was receiving $2000 a month from the cell tower lease and also $750 a month through his structured settlement agreement. Both annuities went out for 15 years. The broker calculated that he could not only refinance the debt on the client’s business but he could also get him an extra $300,000 cash by cashing out his payment streams. The client was delighted as he could use this money to pay off some personal bills and the broker was very pleased as he closed two transactions at the same time.
Amount of capital provided: $300,000
*Commission earned by broker: $9,175
Total time to close: 1.5 weeks
Learn more about Structured Settlement and Annuity Financing
Unsecured Business Lines of Credit
Example: A broker recently had a client who submitted an application to him to acquire a pizzeria for $120,000. Because the pizzeria had only been in business for 2.5 years, the client had been turned down by several local banks for a business loan despite having a 700 credit score. Through a one page application the broker was able to secure a $130,000 unsecured revolving line of credit in 12 business days. Not only did the client have enough capital to buy the business but also had an extra $10,000 to use for working capital. The client also immediately established business credit and has a revolving line to draw upon whenever they see fit.
Amount of loan: $130,000
*Commission earned by broker: $1,600
Total time to close: 12 days
Learn more about Unsecured Business Lines of Credit
Used Aircraft Financing
Here is an example of a graduate who penetrated a niche market with this product.
Example: After learning about this program a graduate decided to concentrate on this product and go after vendors that sell used aircrafts. Well he quickly realized that there were not many funding sources lined up to finance older planes so he offered the vendors this program though his finance company. The vendor gave it a try and in the first month our graduate was able to approve 3 deals that vendor had at that time. This was three deals consisting of three single engine planes for three different customers. One plane was $400,000 the other was $600,000 and the last one was $225,000. In a little over two month after establishing the relationship with the vendor the broker has closed these three deals and made over $35,000.
Amount of loan: $400,000, $600,000 and $225,000
*Commission earned by broker: $38,000
Total time to close: a little over a month
Learn more about Used Aircraft Financing
Venture Capital Financing
Example: A broker was contacted by a small, early stage medical device company that had numerous patents on improving the traditional crutch design that we are all familiar with. Upon further due-diligence from the broker, she discovered that this company had numerous letters of intent to sell and manufacture this new design to major distributors and pharmacies across the United States. Since this company was at an early stage, they did not have the necessary capital to put their design into full production. They also did not show a lot of revenue history and liquidity since the company was so new, which made traditional financing virtually non-existent for them. So the broker was able to get a venture capital firm who specialized in funding early stage companies in the medical arena interested in taking this business to the next level. They liked the idea and product so much that this firm ended up providing the company with $6,000,000 which was perfect for launching the company to a full production phase and allowing them to produce their goods on a national basis.
Amount of loan: $6,000,000
*Commission earned by broker: 2% ($120,000)
Total time to close: 2 months
Learn more about Venture Capital Financing
Ability to Cross Sell Products
The important thing to realize is that you will have the ability to cross sell multiple financing options for any business that you are dealing with, every time. This is a great advantage that our graduates have as you can get two or three deals from one business.
Example: A broker has a manufacturing company that originally came to him for an Accounts Receivables loan. After talking to the client and learning about their business needs, the broker discovered that they needed a new forklift for their operation. The broker quoted them a great rate and provided them with an equipment lease.
Amount of loan: $550,000 for the Accounts Receivable deal and $65,000 for the forklift.
*Commission earned by broker: $11,000 on A/R deal and $5,200 on the equipment lease.
Total time to close: 13 days
Summary: As you can clearly see from the real examples provided by our lenders, there is an unlimited amount of money to be made in this industry. What makes our graduates so unique is they are virtually a one-stop lending company. Our business model is truly unique in this industry.
Learn more about Ability to Cross Sell Products
Additional Services You Can Offer
Up Sell Marketing Services] Generate A Residual Income By Up Selling Marketing Services
Another great aspect of our program is that you will have exclusive access to our premium digital marketing agency and will have the opportunity to start generating an alternative source of residual income through this bonus program.
As a graduate of the GMA and a new business owner, you will be spending a lot of your time connecting with business owners that not only need capital, but potentially need marketing. This is your opportunity to up sell our marketing services and starting collecting 10% commissions for Gold members and 15% commissions for Platinum members on a monthly basis for the life of the clients account. Click here to learn more about our business marketing services.
Our One Of A Kind Finance Program Let’s You Start Your Very Own Finance Business. A money back guarantee for 1 year at the cost of $5,000.00 with leads provided.The Money You Can Earn and You Have The Opportunity To Make An Unlimited Income
Dr. Andre Todd
GMAF Corporation
FREE SUPPORT (510) 836-1067
7901 Oakport Street #2450, Oakland, CA 94621
Hiring Hours: Monday thru Friday 6:00PM to 7:00PM
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7901 Oakport Street #2450, Oakland, CA 94621
Hiring: Monday thru Friday 6:00PM to 7:00PM
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